Technology Training Guides

Beginner's Guide to HTML



Updating a Web Page

The beauty of using a Web page to disseminate information is the ease with which you can update that information and make it accessible to everyone as soon as it's available. There's no lag time while documents are reproduced and distributed. There's no chance the material will get "lost in the mail". And whenever you want to update information, you can simply modify your HTML file(s). 

If you maintain a directory on your desktop computer especially for your HTML files simply: 

  1. Edit the HTML file you want to modify,
  2. Save the document, and
  3. Transfer that file to the public_html directory in your campus account, replacing the previous version of that document.

If you prefer, you can edit your file directly from your campus account — using the pico editor, for example. This eliminates the need to upload the file. However, it also means that whatever changes you make will be immediately readable by everyone — possibly before you want them to be available. By working in a text editor on your desktop computer, you can make adjustments in your coding several times without letting anyone else see "draft" versions of your work. 


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August 14, 2003

Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services


ITR's technology training guides are the property of California State University, Northridge. They are intended for non-profit educational use only. Please do not use this material without citing the source.