Technology Training Guides

Beginner's Guide to HTML



Style Suggestions


Think about the information you want to impart and organize it in a way that other people can readily understand and access. A hodgepodge of information is often difficult to follow.

Keep it Short and Simple

Several short, linked documents are usually preferable to one long document — both for those who access your information and for you when you update the information.

Remember Your Audience

Think about the people who will read what you "publish" and write and format with them in mind.

Date Your Work

Include a date somewhere (usually at the top or bottom of the document) so that readers know when the material was last updated. You might want to spell out the name of the month rather than using the mm/dd/yy format as the latter may be confusing to readers elsewhere in the world (where the format may be dd/mm/yy).

Include a Link to the University's Home Page

You can give your readers access to the rest of the University by including a link to http://www.csun.edu.

Include a "mailto:" Link

If you would like feedback about your Web page, place a "mailto:" link at the bottom of your document.

For additional design suggestions, see Designing an Effective Web Page. For suggestions on how to make your pages readable to all who view them, see How to Make Your Web Pages ADA Compliant: General Accessibility Suggestions


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August 14, 2003

Prepared by Gail Said Johnson, User Support Services


ITR's technology training guides are the property of California State University, Northridge. They are intended for non-profit educational use only. Please do not use this material without citing the source.