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Morizot, J., Reise, S.P., & Ainsworth, A.T. (2007). Towards modern psychometrics: Of application item response theory models in personality research. In R.W. Robins, R.C. Fraley, & RF Krueger (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology. Guilford Press.

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Reise, S.P., Ainsworth, A.T. and Haviland, M.G. (2005). Item Response Theory: Fundamentals, applications, and promise in psychological research. Current Directions in Psychology, 14(2), 95-101.

Wittig, M. A., Molina, L., Smurda, J., Ainsworth, A.T., & Despues, D. (1999). Prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination: Research funding priorities. Report funded by and submitted to the Ford Foundation.

Last updated: 10-6-07