Valley Nonprofit Resources

  • VNR Logo green background with San Fernando Valley Skyline

Reseda & Canoga Park Initiatives

CSUN Valley Nonprofit Resources supports the nonprofit sector in both Reseda and Canoga Park, working in collaboration with CSUN’s Institute for Community Health and Well-Being and Child Development Institute.  CSUN is a member of both Neighborhood Partners in Action (ICHW’s program in Canoga Park), and Reseda Community Network - both are groups that bring together their respective communities, including nonprofits.  VNR also partners with the Office of LA City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, who represents both communities.

VNR also has hosted educational workshops focused on nonprofit issues in both communities.  In October 2017 Reseda and Canoga Park nonprofits were invited to a workshop focused on end-of-year giving, conducted by fundraising consultant Janet Levine.  It was sited at Providence Tarzana Medical Center, adjacent to the two communities.