
  • ICT Procurement

ICT Procurement

 CSUN Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Procurement Policy

In compliance with California State University Executive Order 1111 and Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03, all Information and Communication Technology (ICT) programs, services or activities of CSUN must be accessible to all students, staff and the wider community. All ICT acquired at CSUN must undergo the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Procurement Procedure. Through this procedure, ICT products and services are evaluated to determine the risk they pose to the University in terms of accessibility. Departments are responsible for complying with CSUN's ATI Procurement Procedure, and ICT Vendors have an obligation to work with CSUN to mitigate any accessibility concerns in the products or services they are providing. 


 Department Requirements

 When purchasing ICT, departments at CSUN are responsible for:

  1. Conducting a pre-purchase accessibility review of a product or service to find the most universally accessible ICT.
  2. Obtaining an up-to-date Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR or VPAT) for an ICT product.
  3. Completing the ATI-ICT Procurement Form.
  4. Working with the Universal Design Center (UDC) to gather accessibility information about a product, coordinate accessibility testing for a product, and address accessibility concerns identified.
  5. Creating a Plan for Alternate Access with the Alternate Access Working Group that outlines what the department will do to support equitable access.

 Vendor Requirements

 To conduct business with CSUN, Vendors are responsible for the following:

  1. Providing an ACR for their ICT products/services.
  2. Completing the Vendor Accessibility Assessment form if requested.
  3. Providing an accessibility demo of their product if requested.
  4. Working with CSUN to mitigate accessibility issues and concerns in products/services they are providing.
  5. Develop an accessibility road-map outlining a timeline for accessibility improvement in the product.
  6. Providing an accessibility statement on their website.

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