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Family and Community Resources

Canned Food
An interesting look at everything you ever wanted or needed to know about canned food! There's history, recipes, nutrition, food sensitivity guides, how cans are made, food safety, even a comic.

Community Outreach and Education Program Resource Center
Outreach resources for community members on Environmental Health issues.

Internet Resources for Special Children
A comprehensive resource for special Ed teachers and parents of special needs children, with links to other websites covering IDEA 1997, including laws, healthcare, mental health, rehabilitation, news articles, statistics, and support assistance.

Schwab Learning
This comprehensive website is designed for parents with children who have learning disabilities. This site offers information regarding every aspects of a child’s learning disability.

Smithsonian Education Resource Library
The Smithsonian Education Resource Library is a finding aid to the many education resources provided by the Smithsonian. It allows searching for lesson plans, labs, field trips, and more by grade level, subject, keyword , media, and institution. The Smithsonian Education site is subdivided into sections for teachers, students, and family. This finding aid is a great way to search all sections.

University of Illinois Extension: Schools Online
Let students Walk in My Shoes, as they participate in a variety of activities that increase awareness of aging, the human body, and the role of senior citizens in society. High school athletes will like the information found in Sports and Nutrition: The Winning Connection.


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