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Additional Web Resources

CDC: Complete School Health Index
The School Health Index (SHI) is an instrument developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used to assess the components of a school health program. It includes a series of modules for either elementary schools or middle/high schools. The complete “Paper Format” version allows you to download a complete version with all modules in PDF format, or to order copies directly from the CDC.

The Center for Health and Healthcare in Schools
The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools (CHHCS) is a nonpartisan policy and program resource center located at The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. Includes fact sheets on a number of health issues.

Council for Exceptional Children
An organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.

Fact Sheets: School Health Policies and Programs Study
Provides fact sheets for various health issues describing how  the issues are addressed in school health programs throughout the U.S.

FERPA and School Health
Describes issues related to FERPA, school health programs, and student health information.

Franklin Institute's Hotlist for Health & Fitness
This is a collection of Web sites relating to nutrition, fitness, and various diseases and ailments, including excellent resources for teachers.

Girl Power
A site dedicated to girl’s health issues for both Adults and students age 8 and above.

Grant Funding Opportunities
Provides a listing of public and private grant opportunities to fund school health initiatives.

Guide to Legislative and Public Policy Websites for Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs/Disabilities
Laws Affecting Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs/Disabilities.

Health Info for Kids and Teens
An E-Journal article on common health issues like asthma, dental problems or diabetes, getting enough physical exercise, eating to stay healthy, how to avoid tobacco addiction and other drug problems.

HIPAA, FERPA and Student Health Privacy
Questions and answers regarding the impact of FERPA and HIPAA on privacy protections for health information at school.

InFocus: An In-Depth Analysis of Emerging Issues in Health in Schools
An online journal that provides an in-depth look at emerging issues in school-based health and health care.

Ishihara Color Blindness Test
Many who have color vision defects are unaware of their problem, sometimes leading teachers to think they have learning difficulties. This online color blindness test allows users to experience what a color blind person sees.

Kids Health Problems
A comprehensive site with a wide range of topics on kids Health issues, divided into one site for adults/teachers and another for kids.

Online Health Risk Appraisals
A series of free online health risk appraisals that provide estimated risks for a variety of diseases based on lifestyle, diet, and other health behaviors. As a learning tool, it is helpful in illustrating the connection between lifestyle and health.

School Health Policies and Programs Study
The School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted by the CDC to assess school health policies and programs at the state, district, school, and classroom levels.


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