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Differentiated Instruction for Special Needs

ADD Activities and Lesson Plans
Provides lessons and ideas for special needs students.

FamilyEducation Network
Created "to help parents help their children succeed," Family Education Network provides parents with resources to help them activiely participate in the learning process. The site includes articles about child development, learning disabilities, national education trends, local community news, and more.

Getting to Know Your Classmates with Special Needs
This web site is good for teachers and students who have special needs students in their class. It helps non-disabled students get past misconceptions they may have about students with disabilities.

Internet Resources for Special Children
A comprehensive resource for special Ed teachers and parents of special needs children, with links to other websites covering IDEA 1997, including laws, healthcare, mental health, rehabilitation, news articles, statistics, and support assistance.

Office of Special Education
This comprehensive site provides information and links on many aspects of special education: Interventions, Individuals with Special Needs in Film, History of Special Education, Spedtalk, Legislative Updates, and a Placement Issues Database.

Special Education for Special Children
Provides extensive links for Special Education sites.

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