General Education (GE) Courses: All students are required to take 48 units of GE. General Education courses are meant to provide you with a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge in various subjects.
Major Courses: Courses in the major vary depending on the degree, option, and catalog year. Major courses focus on a particular subject and related careers.
Ethnic Studies: You have the option of taking GE requirements from various ethnic and cultural perspectives. Ethnic studies courses include Asian American Studies, American Indian Studies, Africana Studies, Central American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, and Queer Studies.
Lower Division Courses: 100-200 level courses taken during Freshmen/Sophomore years (0-59 units)
Upper Division Courses: 300-400 level courses taken during Junior/Senior years (60+ units)
Catalog Year: Is the academic plan you follow based on when you begin your degree or declare your major at the university.
Prerequisites: Courses/exams completed before moving into a higher-level course.
Co-requisites: Courses that must be taken together in the same semester. For example, many science and math lectures have co-requisite labs, which are meant to supplement the material learned in the associated lecture.