TUC Sponsored Programs

Reimbursements/Payment Authorizations (Check Requests)


Type of Expenditure:

Payment Authorization/Reimbursement. 

Applies To:

Expenses not covered by payroll, travel and purchase order procedures:

  • Vendor Payment that does not have an approved purchase order.
  • Expense Reimbursement
  • Other (to authorize payments to independent contractors after contract agreement is signed, stipends, differences >$50 between PO and Vendor Invoice)


Vendor Payment Authorizations: $9,999.99

Expense Reimbursement: $9,999.99

Submit ACH with the Check Request Form:

For faster payment, sign up for electronic payment/ACH through ACH Form on the Forms & Guides page. Submit along with your request.

Request Form:

Request to pay a vendor or an individual to reimburse an expense or expenses through an Electronic Check Request form via OnBaseSee Submitter's Guides for details.

Responsible For Initiating:

Principal Investigator. CSUN staff or student employee also has access to the electronic check request form via CSUN portal. 

Required Signatures for Approval:

Principal Investigator (or authorized signer). Requests will route automatically to approvers.


Submit to TUC at least 15 business days ahead of when the payment is needed. 

Vendor Payment Authorization:

Check Requests can be used to authorize the payment of vendor invoices for goods and services that have not been procured via Purchase Order, up to an amount of $9,999.99.

Expense Reimbursement

Project personnel are reimbursed via Check Requests when using personal funds (cash, personal check, or credit card) for project-related purchases up to $9,999.99. Please note that reimbursement for personal credit card expenses are issued directly to the cardholder only, not to the credit card company. Payment will only be issued once all required reviews and approvals have been completed.

Other Payment Authorizations

Check Requests are also used for a variety of other non-payroll related expenditure authorizations, such as differences of more than $50 between vendor invoice and purchase order, payments to independent contractors after contract agreement, stipend payments, travel advances, etc.

Purchasing Policy Requirements

All Check Requests must adhere to the bid/sole source justification requirements of the TUC Purchasing Policy. See table below for guidelines and thresholds:


*Sole Source Purchases Greater than $10,000 will require written justification and approval.