TUC Sponsored Programs

UPDATE: Assembly Bill (AB) 5 & Independent Contractor Request Form

December 23, 2020

Dear Principal Investigators and Research Administrators:

This is an update to the Independent Contractor procedure. Original communication from TUC was sent on December 8, 2020.

We have received the communication below from the campus regarding the new independent contractor procedure. For any new independent contractor request, please complete the Independent Contractor (IC) request form and email the form along with any supporting documents (ex. resume/CV) to TUC Human Resources, or to your Post-award liaison (your liaison will forward it to TUC HR), in order to determine the employment status of a worker. A determination of employment status must be made by TUC Human Resources prior to any work beginning.

Below will be the changes in the procedure: 


Current procedure

New procedure (possible roll out January 2021)

Dollar threshold

CA residents and less than $500 - submit minor contract service invoice and check request.

Over $500 and if individual is not a CA resident - submit a request for independent contractor form, resume and checklist. Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the expected dates of the services.

No dollar threshold. The new independent contractor form will be used for all requests to pay individual as a contractor or consultant. Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the expected dates of the service.

Review of the form

Accounts Payable receives the form and reviews if all supporting documents are attached.

Human Resources (HR) will review the answers in the questionnaire to determine if the individual must be classified as an employee or as a contractor. If individual will be classified as employee, HR will contact PI or supervisor to complete HR paperwork and sign in.

If the independent contractor is a nonresident alien (NRA), as defined by IRS, please contact TUC prior to retaining services.

For questions regarding the updated Independent Contractor procedure, please contact Kathryn Weeks, Associate Director, TUC Human Resources, at 818-677-5040, or at kathryn.weeks@csun.edu

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Grace Slavik, Associate Director, Post Award