TUC Sponsored Programs

California Minimum Wage Increase effective January 1, 2023

October 11, 2022

Dear Principal Investigators:

Please be advised that effective January 1, 2023, the state of California will be increasing the minimum wage for non-exempt employees to $15.50 per hour from $15.00 per hour. TUC will be making the required wage adjustment for the employees who are making below $15.50 effective January 1st.

Furthermore, under California law, employees in exempt classification (employees who are not entitled to receive overtime compensation) must earn a fixed monthly salary of at least double the state minimum wage. Due to this, the minimum pay for exempt employees beginning January 1, 2023 will be an annual salary of $64,480, an increase from the current salary of $62,400.

TUC will send a courtesy email via Smartsheet to all PIs and projects who will be affected by the minimum wage adjustment. Please contact tuchr@csun.edu if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Grace Slavik, Director, Sponsored Programs Administration & Systems