Department Office

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Eucalyptus Hall, Room 2102
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8262

Phone: (818) 677-3381

Send email

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Seminar Program

Fall 2024 

Date Day Details  
Sept 6 Friday Aren Mirzakhanian (Minehan lab)
Thesis seminar
"DNA major versus minor groove occupancy of monomeric and dimeric crystal violet derivatives"
Sept 11 Wednesday Dr. Jevgenij Raskatov (UC Santa Cruz)
Visiting speaker seminar
"The rippled sheet gains a crystal structural foundation"
Oct 2 Wednesday Dr. Jenny Yang (UC Irvine)
Visiting speaker seminar
"Electrochemical CO2 Capture, Concentration, and Conversion
Oct 4 Friday Janelli Pineda (Fischhaber lab)
Thesis seminar
"Investigation of Yen1 and Rad1-Rad10 in S. Cerevisiae at sites of damage by fluorescence microscopy"
Oct 14 Monday Eli Trujillo (Minehan lab)
Literature seminar
"Cross-discipline methods to improve catalytic enzyme design"
Oct 16 Wednesday Dr. Bruce Lipshutz (UC Santa Barbara)
Visiting speaker seminar
"New tools in the toolbox for green & sustainable organic synthesis"
Oct 18 Friday Austin Newberg (Vey lab)
Thesis seminar
"Investigating the kinetics of flavin N5-oxide formation during catalysis by DszA"
Oct 21 Monday Justin Davis (Oh lab)
Thesis seminar
"Atropisomerism in 1-aryl and 1,3-aryl benzimidazole systems"
Oct 25 Friday Andrew Green (Fischhaber lab)
Thesis seminar
"An investigation of Mus81-Mms4 and Rad1-Rad10 recruitment to subcellular structures in the absence of Slx4"
Oct 28 Monday Michael Shaw (Eller lab)
Thesis seminar
"NP-SIMS for nanoscale characterization"
Nov 1 Friday Candidate for organic faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Physical-organic research into heavy-atom tunneling reactions and how to control them"
Nov 4 Monday Candidate for organic faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Just a spoonful of sugar: Combatting infectious diseases with complex carbohydrates"
Nov 6 Wednesday Candidate for biochemistry faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Dual function chaperones for protein folding"
Nov 8 Friday Candidate for biochemistry faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"The development of germ-busting light-based technologies"
Nov 13 Wednesday Candidate for biochemistry faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Exploring adventures in chemistry through the lens of heme proteins"
Nov 15 Friday Candidate for biochemistry faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Strategies and counter strategies in the plant pathogen co-evolutionary arms-race"
Nov 20 Wednesday Candidate for biochemistry faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Programmable biochemical studies enabled by DNA-based molecular tools"
Nov 22 Friday Candidate for organic faculty search
Visiting speaker seminar
"Mechanistic investigation with computational chemistry"

All Monday, Wednesday and Friday seminars are held at 4:00 pm (unless otherwise indicated) in EH 2227.

Department Office

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Eucalyptus Hall, Room 2102
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8262

Phone: (818) 677-3381

Send email

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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