Intent Form

I understand that I will be required to show how my course curriculum follows state standards by May 18, for Academic courses and by June 13 for Enrichment courses. Once the program begins, I will need to update my grades and attendance at least once a week using the web-based grade program and also stop by the SAEP office each morning before class to gather the contents of my box.

**Please remember that your position is dependent on enrollment and we will attempt to let you know as early as possible of low enrollment of your class.**

Note: You must complete ALL questions before submitting.


Full Name Email

Street Address

City Zip

Driver's License

Vehicle License State: Number #

Home Phone Mobile Phone School Phone


Degree (e.g. BS Physics)

University Year



University Year


Years Teaching Experience Current School


Years teaching in SAEP Subjects in SAEP

What do you want to teach this year?

TA Needed Request a particular TA




© 2005 - CSUN Summer Academic Enrichment Program