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They taught me what could happen based on what choices you make in college. There are consequences.
– Anonymous

CSUN, here I come! At first I questioned coming and being here, but after today, I think I'm ready! I met a lot of new people, and it's just nice to know that there are finally people like me! I just hope I don't become too involved!
– Anonymous

I learned a lot from this program. I'm just hoping I will use everything I learned for the future and to not take everything out on myself by learning to talk it out and share my problems.
– Anonymous

They did an excellent job; I love it. I had tears in my eyes because it really touched me. I thank them for taking their time for doing this for us. I wish them good luck on everything. I really appreciate them for being brave and telling us their stories even though they don't know us. Thank you!
– Anonymous

I experienced a day that was important; it broadened my mind about a lot of situations; it made me think and realize that things that I say could hurt people. This makes me think about the choices that I may make in the future. I'll do my best to see that the choices I make have good consequences. This day will definitely help to make me a better person.
– Anonymous

Going to New Student Orientation made me feel like I really picked the right college. I can’t wait to start college! I had a great time!
– Anonymous

The TAKE XXIII performance opened my eyes to the many challenges that people may face while transitioning from high school to college (including myself). It made me realize that people of all races go through circumstances. Their stories were very real, and I applaud them for being brave enough to share them with us.
– Anonymous

Today was such a great day for me. I especially enjoyed the orientation leaders — they helped us a lot. I'm really impressed by CSUN. I'm excited for my first day of classes on Monday.
– Anonymous

Orientation was great; it was such a fresh experience. College seems like it will be awesome. High school is now long gone, and this day changed my view of the world and the diverse culture within it. There are a plethora of things to do here at CSUN, and orientation showed me that. I learned that becoming involved on campus could be a life changing experience that may change my views on life. Orientation showed me I should just be who I want to be, take care of myself and love myself.
– Anonymous

The performance made me really think about the tribulations that come from the transition from high school to CSUN. It was all very real to me, and I could apply some of those situations to my own life. Take XXIII made me re-realize to not judge a book by its cover and that everyone has their own individual stories that make them their own unique “you.” They really emphasized the point that you shouldn't throw away life when there are a lot of helpful resources around you.
– Anonymous

I'm really glad that I made it here after all that I have been through. Sometimes I thought I would never make it, but I did. My orientation leaders really inspired me. I found out one of them is studying criminology, like I am, to become a parole officer. It felt good to see everyone and every race get along; it made me feel even more comfortable. It was nice to meet different people from different parts of the world.
– Anonymous

Today at orientation, I met some friends, I learned about CSUN and about life as a Matador. It was great; we all got here and didn't even want to talk to each other, but we left with a few phone numbers and didn't want to leave. It was great!
– Anonymous

TAKE XXIII was what I looked forward to from the beginning of the day. It was absolutely amazing and made me emotional. I could relate very easily to many of the situations personally and, if not personally, I am very close to someone who has gone through similar instances. I thoroughly enjoyed TAKE and wanted to become friends with these people. They inspired me and gave me more faith in the whole start of college. The cast was all real, and I hope I get to meet more of them personally. This was something that I have an interest in getting involved in.
– Anonymous

Coming to CSUN early in the morning was annoying, but I think it turned out to be worth it. Some of the things I saw and learned at orientation are things I hope I will never forget. I hope I remember what I chose CSUN for and never forget who I am.
– Anonymous

New Student Orientation: I never thought it would be this informative, exciting and, overall, "new." This was one of the experiences I thought was the greatest. Not only was it emotional, but thoughtful, tiring (but worth it), moving and powerful. Today I can share the story and memories many CSUN freshmen can relate to. This is one memory I'll treasure for the years to come.
– Anonymous

Today was a pretty special day. I started out nervous and ended feeling good about CSUN. We went through a lot, and even though I wanted to leave, I'm glad I came. I know college is going to be a challenge, but I'm ready to take it on.
– Anonymous

This orientation was very long, but it wasn't that bad. I learned a lot from orientation like classes and information about moving from high school to college. TAKE was a very good finish to the day, and I'm glad I was able to see it.
– Anonymous

New Student Orientation was really good — good meaning, very informative and very fun.
– Anonymous

Today I learned many things that I will need in the upcoming four years. I learned what to expect and how to go about my college career. Most things were academic or about planning, but I did learn new things about social life. I learned to get to know someone before I judge them based on their looks. Ultimately, what I learned today will help me become a better person.
– Anonymous

The experience was great. I learned a lot about the campus and that I should respect others no matter the case. I wouldn't have realized what college life was going to be like without today.
– Anonymous

I absolutely love their performance. They inspired me and made me think about taking my education seriously. The way the cast showed their emotions changed the choices I made with my girlfriend.
– Anonymous

New Student Orientation was a wonderful experience. I met many new people, and I totally enjoyed all the activities CSUN has to offer. It was a long and exhausting day, but I thought it was all worth it. The orientation leaders were fantastic! They gave us great information about the campus, and I enjoyed it greatly!
– Anonymous

Well, today was a great day because I learned something that is going to be helpful during my college career. Orientation is so long, but it’s useful because, as a freshman, you have a difficult transition from high school to college.
– Anonymous

Orientation was a great learning experience; I made many new friends and learned a lot about tolerance. I can't wait for school to start. Today was very informative. I was surprised that I talked to a lot of new people. At first, I wasn't excited about CSUN, but now I'm very excited.
– Anonymous

I learned a lot during this day. I'm glad that I made it this far, and I am excited about the new things that I will be experiencing this upcoming semester. I hope that I will be successful in my college career. I want to accomplish all of my goals, and I know I will.
– Anonymous

I am surprised and amazed with my first experience at CSUN, and I look forward to my future here. I expect to pass all my classes this first semester.
– Anonymous

I really enjoyed myself today, and everything I experienced and saw has really given me more confidence.
– Anonymous