Center for Geographical Studies

  • CGST female student working with GIS program
  • CGST with hot spot map

Water Resources

Basin Plan Project:   

Comprehensive services were provided to create GIS layers and associated attribution of regional and statewide water quality standards.  A complex relational database was developed in Oracle and utilized ESRI’s ArcSDE product in conjunction with custom web-based User Interfaces to organize and manage the information.  Client: State Water Resources Control Board.

National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Updates:

Updated the NHD using various methodologies such as conflation and editing, and developed mapping standards and business rules.  Client: U.S. Geological Survey.

Wetland Status and Trends:

Collaborated with Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) to develop a methodology to assess the change in extent, distribution and type of wetlands in the state of California.  Client: The California Wetlands Monitoring Workgroup with funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.