
This program is designed to minimize the risk of occupational injuries and illnesses that can result from repetitive motion.

I.  Purpose/Scope

This program has been written to comply with Title 8, California Code of Regulations, §5110, “Repetitive Motion Injuries ”.

  • Purpose:  The intent of this program is to minimize occupational injuries and illnesses resulting from repetitive motion.
  • Scope: The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (Cal-OSHA) Ergonomics Standard (8 CCR 5110), “Repetitive Motion Injuries”, applies to all University employees.

 II.  Administering Agency

State of California, Division of Occupational Safety & Health (Cal/OSHA), under Title 8, California Code of Regulations, §5110; Repetitive Motion Injuries 

III.  Definitions

  • Repetitive Motion Injury (RMI): Any physical disorder that develops from or is aggravated by the cumulative application of biomechanical stress to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Ergonomics: The study of the relationship between people and the work they perform.

 IV.  Responsibilities

  • Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S):
    • Responsible for issuing and administering the Ergonomics Program.
    • Developing and implementing training programs.
    • Maintaining all employee ergonomic training records.
    • Reviewing all accident/injury reports and identifying any RMI trends.
    • Providing ergonomic worksite evaluations.
    • Recommending feasible and effective engineering and administrative controls to reduce or eliminate RMI’s.
  • Individual Departments/Managers/Supervisors:
    • Responsible for recognizing ergonomic hazards within the department, and contacting EH&S for assistance.
    • Ensuring that all “work-site evaluation” recommendations are implemented.
    • Allowing and encouraging employees to vary work tasks, when necessary.
    • Supporting and encouraging stretching at the work-site throughout the day.
    • Providing effective engineering controls to reduce RMI risk factors, when recommended by EH&S.
  • Employees:
    • Responsible for adjusting their work-site/job operation to fit their work needs.
    • Varying their work tasks throughout the day, when possible.
    • Stretching at their workstations throughout the day.
    • Reporting symptoms of an RMI to their supervisor.
    • Maintaining an awareness of the symptoms, consequences, risk factors, and risk reduction strategies for RMI by attending ergonomics training provided by EH&S. 

 V.  Work-site Evaluations

  • Evaluations of an individual job, process, or operation will be performed by EH&S upon request, or after an RMI trend is identified.  The affected employee or supervisor may contact EH&S at extension 2401 or to schedule an evaluation.
  • Equipment will be recommended to individuals which supports good ergonomic design for their job.  (Dependent upon available resources within individual departments).
  • Proper work practices, techniques, and administrative controls will be recommended by EH&S.

 VI.  Control of Exposures

  • Accident reports indicating an RMI will be reviewed by EH&S.
  • EH&S will evaluate exposures resulting in an RMI.
  • Exposures leading to an RMI will be corrected or minimized to the extent feasible.
  • Employees with RMI’s will receive appropriate medical treatment.
  • When practical, injured employees returning to work will be given alternative tasks consistent with the health care provider’s recommendations.
  • Time will be provided to employees to stretch at their workstations periodically throughout the day.

 VII.  Training

The goal of the training program is to ensure that all individuals potentially at risk from an RMI are adequately informed of the following information:

  • Contents of the campus Ergonomics Program.
  • The exposures which have been associated with an RMI.
  • The symptoms and consequences of injuries caused by repetitive motion.
  • The importance of reporting symptoms and injuries to their supervisor.
  • Methods used to minimize RMI’s including (but not limited to):
    • Administrative controls such as job rotation, work pacing, or work breaks.
    • Engineering controls such as work station redesign, adjustable fixtures & redesign.
    • Worksite adjustments
    • Stretching /exercises
    • Employee awareness 

VIII.  Resources/References

 IX.  Revision Record





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January 2014



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October 2022