Project REACH IT

  • Project REACH IT

Project REACH IT

What is Project REACH IT?

Project Reconceptualizing Educator preparation to empower All students through Culturally sustaining and High leverage Inclusive Teaching (REACH IT) is a special education teacher preparation grant funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (U.S. Department of Education).

Graduates will be prepared prepare serve students with extensive support needs and their families within inclusive settings through implementation of individualized evidence-based instruction and supports, and culturally sustaining practices. Scholars will also develop advocacy skills to promote access for their students and empower students to be strong advocates for themselves.

Participant Benefits

Scholars accepted to the REACH IT project will receive:

  • $16,000 to cover two years of tuition
  • Funding to travel to state and national education conferences
  • Enhanced mentorship opportunities
  • Specially designed seminars
  • Increased fieldwork support

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible for project REACH IT you should be a CSUN student who is:

a)     Accepted into the mild to extensive support needs (MME) preliminary credential program 

b)    A U.S. citizen or permanent resident

c)     Committed to fulfill a service obligation following the completion of their program. The service obligation entails working as a special education teacher with students with disabilities for two years for every one year of funding received.

d)    Committed to completing the credential program

How to Apply

The steps to apply include:

  1. Apply and be accepted to the CSUN mild to extensive support needs credential program.
  2. Complete the REACH IT Application form at this link:
  3. All applications will be screened. Applicants who pass the initial screening will be invited to an interview.

OR you can email us at to set up a time to discuss the project, ask any questions about the application and/or complete the application with one of our team members!

Key Project Features

Project REACH IT is built into the existing Mild to Extensive Support needs credential program in the school of education at California State University, Northridge. Funding from this project will:

  1. Provide financial support for 33 scholars over five years (2023-2028, with a focus on recruiting multilingual teacher candidates
  2. Provide two Saturday workshop per semester that highlight the voices of adults and students with extensive support needs, family members of children with extensive support needs, and experienced teachers in the field.
  3. Provide funding for scholars to attend state and national conferences
  4. Support the hire of three multilingual mentor teachers from the surrounding area to provide additional 1:1 coaching to project scholars
  5. Support the hire of t adults with extensive support needs to contribute to program design, course instruction, and Saturday scholar workshops
  6. Support the hire of two family members of children with extensive support needs to contribute to program design, course instruction, and Saturday scholar workshop
  7. Fund speakers for an open summer speaker series in years 1-4 that bring in prominent speakers in the areas of inclusive education, culturally sustaining practices, self-determination, and teacher advocacy.
  8. Provide mentor training to local teachers to build an sustain a base of mentors who are knowledgeable about coaching strategies, key skills to support for candidates, and well prepared to support program and project objectives.
  9. Support faculty to assess and enhance content on inclusive practices for students with extensive support needs, culturally responsive teaching, self-determination instruction, and teacher agency/advocacy.

Contact us!

For more information, please contact