Project REACH IT

  • Project REACH IT

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the Project REACH IT?
    1. Accepted into the mild to extensive support needs (MME) preliminary credential program.
    2. U.S. citizen or permanent resident
    3. Committed to fulfilling a service obligation following the completion of their program. The service obligation entails working as a special education teacher with students with disabilities for two years for every one year of funding received.
    4. Committed to completing the credential.
  2. How long does the program take?

    Project REACH-IT, by design, is a two-year program.

  3. Can I apply to start in the Spring semester?

    No. Project REACH-IT is cohort-based. Each cohort starts in the Fall session.

  4. Can I work and participate in Project REACH IT?

    You could keep your job and participate in Project REACH IT until the semester you do student teaching. Student teaching is 16 weeks, full-time fieldwork experience.

    How about Interns?

    Intern candidates are those who have obtained employment as the teacher of record while completing their preliminary credential. Intern applicants would need to submit an additional letter of support from their administration confirming they will support the intern to provide academic instruction to students with Extensive Support Needs (high-intensity) in inclusive settings for the duration of the program for a minimum of 1 hour per day. Interns must obtain this letter to be eligible for funding.

  5. How much is tuition? Will Project REACH IT pay for my classes?

    If accepted into Project REACH-IT, you will receive financial support. Scholars accepted to the REACH IT project will receive (a) $16,000 to cover two years of tuition and (b) Funding to travel to state and national education conferences. The monies will be distributed in the Min-semester. Therefore, you will need to enroll and pay for your courses upfront. The stipend will be distributed around week 8 of the semester.

  6. Is physical residency demanded during the program?

    Physical residency is required. There are some online courses; however, it is not an online option.

  7. When are classes offered? Is the program available online?

    The courses are scheduled during the week for three hours per class. Course start times are 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 pm and are scheduled Monday through Thursday. The Department of Special Education does offer some courses online and hybrid, but the majority of the program in MME is offered on campus or in a hybrid model.