MARC & RISE Programs

  • Prof Zavala and CSUN students at SACNAS conference

    MARC & RISE Programs

Semester Schedule

Students should visit the MARC/RISE Office at Eucalyptus Hall SC2128 periodically in order to:

  • check for the latest semester calendar
  • pick up assigned reading material
  • submit timesheets and pick up disbursement checks

MARC/RISE students are required to sign up for BIO490 and attend the MARC/RISE seminar series.

MARC timesheets are due before 2:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Checks can usually be picked up by the 1st of each month.

RISE timesheets are due before 12:00pm on the 15th and the last day of each month. In the event that these days fall on a weekend, timesheets will be due before 12:00pm on the previous Thursday. Checks can usually be picked up after 2:00pm 4-5 business days after the due date.