Tutoring Program
Tutoring is free for all enrolled CSUN students. Individual and group tutoring is offered. Students need to sign-in during the tutoring session. The tutors help students by answering questions, reviewing materials, explaining concepts, repeating ideas until they are understood and remembered, and finally by modeling good study habits.
All Tutors are hired for their knowledge of specific topics and abilities to effectively communicate. All tutors in COMS are graduate students working on their Master’s degrees. Tutors must have received either an "A" or a "B"in order to tutor courses that they have taken or obtain a written referral from their professor.
Tutoring by appointment
Students are scheduled with tutors for any length of time. In most cases, each student is allowed as many sessions as needed. Sessions are scheduled depending on tutors and students’ availability.
To contact our tutors email: comstutor@csun.edu
Book time with a COMSTUTOR here.
Tutoring will occur in person in the Aronstam Library, MZ 240 or on zoom. The zoomlink will be shared by the tutor after the appointment has been made.
Hours vary for Tutors: General hours are Monday through Thursday. See the flyer below for exact times and meeting options.
Tutoring Walk-In Services
Tutors are available for communication studies subjects, and other topics as needed:
- Essay Planning, Organization, Development and Revision
- Writing Across the Curriculum
- English as a Second Language
- WPE Test Preparation
Hours vary for Tutors: General hours are Monday through Thursday. See the flyer below for exact times and meeting options. Stop by the Department Office in MZ 220 for more information. We are open M-F 8-5pm.
Course Number |
Course Title |
COMS 151/L |
Public Speaking |
COMS 150 |
Fundamentals of Communication |
COMS 225 |
Argumentation and Debate |
COMS 225 |
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication |
COMS 301 |
Performance, Language and Cultural Studies |
COMS 309 |
Advanced Public Speaking |
COMS 321 |
Rhetorical Discourse |
COMS 323 |
Group Communication |
COMS 327 |
Rhetorical Theory |
COMS 351 |
Communication Theory |
COMS 356 |
Intercultural Communication |
COMS 360 |
Communication and the Sexes |
COMS 452 |
Communication Training and Development |
COMS 452 |
Internship |