Aesthetic Appreciation Rubric

CategoryEmerging 1Developing 2Proficient 3Exemplary 4
Creative ExpressionLacks recognition and interpretation of the creative expression in any of the works.Has difficulty recognizing interpreting the creative expression in the works.Adequately recognizes and interprets the creative expression in more than one variety of work.Clearly recognizes and interprets the complexity and creative expression in a variety of works.
Analytical ResponseResponse is not analytical, and is missing concrete details, personal perceptions and personal associations about the work.Response is minimally analytical, and is supported with only one of the following: concrete details, personal perceptions or personal associations about the work.Response is analytical, and is supported with two out of the following three: concrete details, personal perceptions and personal associations about the work.Response is significantly analytical, and is supported with all of the following: concrete details, personal perceptions and personal associations about the work.