Marilyn Magaram Center

Student Highlights 2020

April 3, 2020

CSUNposium & BullRing 

The 24th Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium (otherwise known as CSUNPosium), is a student conference featuring oral and poster presentations.  CSUNPosium was held virtually this year on March 27th, with the purpose of showcasing excellence in scholarly research and creative activity conducted by CSUN students across all academic disciplines. We are proud to announce that two of our teams of dietetic interns were selected as winners in the poster presentation category!  Sophia Villicana and Brittany York took first place with their research presentation for “MyPlate Musical: Qualitative Analysis,” and second place went to Charleen Hsieh and Nikki Vaspra, who presented their research on “Whole Body, Whole Health Wellness Workshop.” Congratulations also go out to an additional team of dietetic interns, Samy Elcott, Bryan Rosales, Jason Garvin, Nikki Vaspra, and Evangeline Li, who advanced to the semi-finals in this year’s Bull Ring competition with their business proposal, “ProJel,” a high-protein, high-calorie nutritional gelatin supplement aimed at improving food insecurity among college students.

As the semester comes to an end, we would also like to recognize our student leaders for another productive and successful year! Congratulations to the Class of 2020 celebrants, Joe Choe, Eirenel Eclevia, Lihua Ma, and Frida Eninjok. In addition, Laura Horwitz and Lihua Ma were admitted to the CSUN Dietetic Internship and we send them our best wishes for their exciting journey ahead!   

Download the winner's list here.