Marilyn Magaram Center

MMC News

The Marilyn Magaram Center News are intended to showcase and feature the events and programs the Center offers and how they impact the community within and outside of CSUN.

Champions for Change- Meet the Team

May 1, 2017

champions for change logo

The Marilyn Magaram Center (MMC), in collaboration with CSUN's Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing, is excited to start implementing the Champions for Change-Healthy Communities Initiative! A grant for $880,000 through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Read more

Diabetes Workshop

May 1, 2017

CSUN diabetes workshop spring 2017 lede

The Marilyn Magaram Center in collaboration with the Nursing Department coordinated a 4-week Diabetes Workshop at CSUN called, "Taking Charge of Your Diabetes" diabetes self-management education (DSME) program! Read more


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