Marilyn Magaram Center

Diabetes Workshop

May 1, 2017

The Marilyn Magaram Center in collaboration with the Nursing Department coordinated a 4-week Diabetes Workshop at CSUN called, "Taking Charge of Your Diabetes" diabetes self-management education (DSME) program!  The workshops were implemented by CSUN Dietetic Interns Danielle Adler and Yesem Demeke, and Registered Nurse, Dr. Zamine Naccashian PhD, GNP, RN, CDE. Topics included taking charge of your and diabetes, mastering meal plans and glucose monitoring, healthy food choices and medications, and highlighting the importance of exercise. Each workshop included an interactive healthy cooking session, where participants created healthy meal plans and discussed what they learned during the session. Our future plan is to become an accredited program that is recognized by the American Diabetes Association. In addition, we have submitted a Diabetes Education and Awareness grant that will help extend our program to provide individual and group education in the community.