Insurance and Risk Management -2022

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Academic Field Trips

The information in this manual gives CSUN-organized field trips,  leaders guidance, and checklists designed to help assure University participants’ safety and reduce liability

Field trip is a university course-related, off-campus activity led by a faculty or staff member and designed to serve educational purposes. A field trip would include the gathering of data for research (such as at a geological or archaeological site), a museum visit, participation in a conference or competition, or visits to an event or place of interest. The duration of a field trip may be a class period or longer and could extend over multiple days.

CSU Policy EO 1062 

Academic Field Trip Guidelines

These guidelines are offered to supplement any existing CSUN: College or Department procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.

Field Trip Leader Checklist

This is a handy quick check for both the field trip leader and the University department office administrator.

Academic Field Trip Transportation Requirements

This checklist helps the trip leader to identify the appropriate forms and resources that may be involved with transporting participants to the field trip site.

International Field Trip Checklist (For Faculty)

This checklist is for faculty to review the necessary items, regulations, forms, and documentation associated with a field trip outside the USA borders.

Field Trip Forms & FAQs

This identifies the forms that may be needed for a field trip.