Student Prosperity

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Within the college, we place great importance on our commitment to student success here at CSUN, along with your preparation in the real-world with internship and extracurricular experiences. 

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Robotics and Biomedical Research Lab & Measurements and Mechatronics Lab


Robotics and Biomedical Research Lab and Measurements and  Mechatronics Lab is located in Jacaranda Hall 1123A.

system dynamics and control JD 1123A

This lab supports graduate projects and faculty research in robotics, tele-robotics, biomechanics, robotic applications in medical procedures, and controls for mechanical applications. Several student-built tele-operated robots, one IBM robot, and their controllers are housed in this lab.

Visit the Mechatronics Lab Website

Student Prosperity

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Within the college, we place great importance on our commitment to student success here at CSUN, along with your preparation in the real-world with internship and extracurricular experiences. 

Carve Your Path Here

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