Civil Engineering

Degree Requirements

General Requirement for Admission to the Program

  1. Satisfaction of all requirements for admission to the University (see the section regarding Graduate Programs in the University Catalog).
  2. A bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Construction Management, or an affiliated field, from an accredited university or college.
  3. Approval by the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the Department.

For Advancement to Classified Graduate Status

  1. Satisfaction of University requirements for Classified status (See the section regarding Graduate Programs in the University Catalog).
  2. Completion of all requirements stated in individual admissions documents.
  3. Submit a tentative program of study to the CECM graduate coordinator.
  4. Approval by the CECM Department’s graduate coordinator.

For the Degree

Satisfaction of University requirements for the M.S. Degree are as follows: completion of 27 units, plus 3 additional units for the Project or Comprehensive Exam Plan, or completion of 24 units, plus 6 additional units for the Thesis Plan.

Project (30 units):

  • 27 units of course work applicable to the M.S. degree, of which at least 18 units are in approved Construction Management or Engineering courses at the 500‐ level or above.
  • An additional 3 units of CM 698C (Graduate Project) culminate in a comprehensive report.

Thesis Plan (30 units):

  • 24 units of course work applicable to the M.S. degree, of which at least 15 units are in approved Construction Management or Engineering courses at the 500‐ level or above.
  • An additional 6 units of CM 698C (Thesis) and successful defense of Thesis. 

Comprehensive Exam Plan (30 units):

  • 27 units of course work applicable to the M.S. degree, of which at least 21 units are in approved Construction Management or Engineering courses at the 500‐ level or above.
  • An additional 3 units of CM 697 Comprehensive Study.