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Welcome to Fall 2024!

Shari Tarver Behring

We are proud that the Michael D. Eisner College of Education remains one of the largest Colleges of Education in the CSU system, providing to our surrounding communities hundreds of outstanding new professionals in the fields of education, counseling, administration, and Deaf Studies. The Eisner College engages in transformative education and initiatives that put into practice our commitment to social justice, equity, access, and inclusion, and supporting the social-emotional well-being of university, school, and community members. I am grateful to our talented faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners, all instrumental in ensuring the excellence of our educational programs and community-serving centers. We have reason to be proud as we prepare our students to make positive contributions to our world!

Dean Shari Tarver Behring

Education News

T-CARE: Equity, Access, and Social Justice

October 22, 2020

Front page of the T-CARE: Equity, Access, and Social Justice

While the last special issue on ‘Teaching, learning and working in a virtual environment’ was clearly a timely topic, this special issue is even more clearly hitting a collective nerve. More articles were submitted for consideration than ever before. Authors in this issue share practical tips for recognizing and addressing equity issues related to technological access, how to ensure classroom management strategies are culturally sensitive, and how to combat ableism by teaching to social justice standards. Read more

Murawski, Executive Director of the CTL, continues productive writing

October 22, 2020

Wendy Murawski holding one of her books

Check out all the publications from Dr. Wendy Murawski, Executive Director of the CTL, from this summer: How to co-teach from your couch; Strategies for staying sane while staying home; Co-Teaching Do's, Don'ts, and Do Betters; Learning Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Students With Disabilities; and Behavior Now! Podcast on co-teaching.
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