The Department of Special Education at CSUN offers Credential and Master's degree programs for professionals who work with infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities and their families. All programs focus on preparing highly qualified special educators to serve culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
The Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Programs emphasize beginning child, school, and family-focused competencies for the educator of individuals with special needs. The Department offers Preliminary Education Specialist credentials in four specialization areas: Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Early Childhood Special Education, Mild-Moderate Disabilities and Moderate-Severe Disabilities.
The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential Program includes induction and addresses more advanced competencies for the educator of individuals with special needs.
The Master's Degree Program builds upon the competencies developed in the Special Education Credential Programs, preparing students for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community, and within the overall profession of Special Education.