College of Education Self-Care

  • Participants at the self-care drum session
  • Sunset over water
  • Blue lens flares
  • Zen garden with rocks
  • Sunset over hills
  • Spiral staircase
  • Path through trees with autumn leaves

SUN Program

Welcome to our College of Education Self-care Initiative, informally called Self-care for U at Northridge, the SUN Program.

It is so wonderful that you are considering self-care as an important way to care for yourself and keep balance and health in your life. Self-care means taking responsibility for yourself to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle at work and in your personal world through individually determined, proactive activities. You are at your best when you attend to yourself in equal measure to others in day-to-day living! 

Self-Care News

Self-care and insomnia during busy times

December 5, 2022


As we head into the end of the semester, there are so many factors that can lead to feeling preoccupied-wrapping up all those year-end academic demands, shopping for the holidays, lots of events, and planning time with family and friends. Although much of this is good, it can also lead to stress that can keep us awake at night with a million thoughts about our to-do list. Occasional restless nights are normal, but when it turns into insomnia, it can become a health concern. According to a blog in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, “Insomnia manifests and presents in different ways. Read more

Self-care and supporting our transgender community

November 28, 2022


Self-care includes a commitment to the wellbeing of all of us, including our transgender community, to live free from violence, fear, and discrimination. Recently, we witnessed the horror of a vicious attack on the transgender community in Colorado Springs.   Read more

Self-care at Thanksgiving

November 21, 2022

Sun logo

This week is a time to remember all that we are grateful for as we enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. And as much as there is a feeling of appreciation for those in our lives who are so important to us, it can also be a time to be conscious of our own need for self-care and wellbeing. “The most wonderful time of the year is known to prompt joy, but the reality is that it may evoke stress as well” states Dr. Shainna Ali, who offers 10 self-care tips in her blog in Psychology Today. Read more

Self-care and hope

November 14, 2022


 An important feeling linked to self-care is a sense of hope. Hope is defined as the expectation that one will have positive experiences or that a potentially threatening or negative situation will ultimately result in a favorable state of affairs. Hope is needed for positive experiences in life, including greater happiness, better academic achievement, and better health.  Read more


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