Secondary Education

World Language Teaching Credentials

CSUN offers the California Preliminary Single-Subject World Language Credentials in American Sign Language, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish. These credentials authorize the teaching of these languages in departmentalized K-12 classes.

All Single Subject Credentials include an English Learner-ELAS level, which allows the holder to teach English learners in their subject-matter classrooms. For authorizations to teach in English Language Development (ELD), English as Second Language (ESL), or bilingual classrooms, please see our Bilingual Authorization and CTEL/CLAD Certificate Programs.

For more information about CSUN’s World Language Credential programs, contact Julie Gainsburg at

Program Pathways

World Languages-Education Faculty

Maureen Sloan

Maureen Sloan’s responsibilities include leading the student-teaching seminars for world language-candidates and supervising world language-student teachers in their student-teaching assignment. Maureen started her career in the Los Angeles Unified School District, where she taught for 25 years. She has taught English as a Second Language at the middle school level, Spanish at both middle and high schools, and U.S. history (sheltered English and in Spanish) at both middle and high schools. While at the middle school, Maureen was also bilingual coordinator for several years. She has been a presenter at conferences for ESL and world language teachers. For three years she was part of the professional development seminar team at LA STARS, the Los Angeles area arm of the California World Language Project, based at Occidental College. Maureen has worked at CSUN since 2005, as a University Supervisor and leader of seminars for student teachers. Outside of teaching, her passions include her grandchildren, keeping up with the selections of her two book clubs, and gourmet cooking as a member of a gourmet dinner club that has been in existence for over 40 years.

Fataneh Tabatabai

Fataneh Tabatabai

Fataneh Tabatabai was born and raised in Iran but lived as a young adult in Aix-en-Provence in France, where she earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and master's degree in Psycholinguistics. She later earned a Grand Diploma in Cooking and Baking from the Cordon Bleu Culinary School in Paris. In 1985, she moved to Maryland, where she worked in catering, opened a French Bakery, and taught at culinary school. In 1991, she moved to LA, and taught French for the next 25 years, in West Covina and in the valley at Monroe and Taft High Schools. She earned a second master’s degree in secondary education from CSUN and received National Board Certification in World Languages. Since 2002, she has supervised CSUN student teachers and taught the SED 525 World Language methods course. She has also served as director of French Grand Concours and presented workshops for the American Association of Teachers of French. Her passions are playing with her grandchildren, baking, reading, exercising, and traveling. She has visited Japan, Thailand, Martinique, Venezuela, Costa Rica, St. Lucia, Colombia, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, many parts of Mexico, and various countries in Europe.