There is a critical need for highly qualified professionals, including those from traditionally underrepresented groups, to serve infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities and their families from diverse backgrounds—especially dual language learners and those living with low-income and economic marginalization. The purpose of Project CREATE is to support a newly modified Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Preliminary Credential Program at California State University, Northridge, an urban, Hispanic-Serving Institute, and to prepare competent culturally responsive early childhood special educators/early interventionists who will be eligible for the California Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in ECSE.
Along with the current ECSE Preliminary Credential Program curriculum, Project CREATE will focus on the following competencies: 1) meeting the needs of young learners who are living with low income and economically marginalization, who are dual language learners, and with disabilities or developmental delays and their families; 2) providing culturally reflective evidence-based practices in early academic and social-emotional development for all children in person and through distance learning technologies; 3) collaborating across disciplines (including with general education teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and families) in the development, implementation, and monitoring of IFSPs/IEPs for young children with disabilities and their families; and 4) participating in leadership activities and advocating for young children with disabilities and their families.