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Prison schooling: DisCrit, youth prison education, and abolitionist imaginary

November 3, 2021

Join us on Monday, November 8th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm for a special presentation from Dr. Subini Annamma on "Prison schooling: DisCrit, youth prison education, and abolitionist imaginary".

Dr. Subini Annamma flyer

Dr. Subini Annamma

Associate Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education

Prison schooling: DisCrit, youth prison education, and abolitionist imaginary

Dr. Annamma's research and pedagogy focus on increasing access to equitable education for historically marginalized students and communities, particularly students of color with disabilities. Specifically, she critically examines the social construction of race and ability; how the two are interdependent, how they intersect with other identity markers, and how their mutually constitutive nature impacts education experiences. She centers this research in urban education and juvenile
incarceration settings and focuses on how student voice can contribute to dismantling systemic inequities and identifying exemplary educational practices.

Presented by Equity and Faculty Affairs Committee & CSU Center for Transformational Educator Preparation Programs

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