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Linguistic and Service Study Abroad Trip: March 18-26, 2017

September 15, 2016

The Deaf Studies department is offering a Linguistic and Service Study Abroad Trip on March 18-26. This course and trip to Mexico will expose students to Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM; Mexican Sign Language) and provide an opportunity to participate in 25-30 hours of service-learning as well as learn about the culture, educational system, and unique needs of Deaf Mexican communities firsthand.

"In Lak'ech Ala Kin (I am You, You are Me): Exploring Lengua de Senas Mexicana and Building Connections with Deaf Mexican Communities"

"In Lak'ech Ala Kin (I am You, You are Me): Exploring Lengua de Senas Mexicana and Building Connections with Deaf Mexican Communities"

Linguistic and Service Study Abroad Trip

March 18-26, 2017 Cost: $1350

The Deaf Studies department is offering a Linguistic and Service Study Abroad Trip on March 18-26. This course and trip to Mexico will expose students to Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM; Mexican Sign Language) and provide an opportunity to participate in 25-30 hours of service-learning as well as learn about the culture, educational system, and unique needs of Deaf Mexican communities firsthand.

This course and trip to Mexico will expose students to Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM; Mexican Sign Language) and provide an opportunity to participate in 25-30 hours of service-learning as well as learn about the culture, educational system, and unique needs of Deaf Mexican communities firsthand. This course will allow students to use previous Deaf Studies courses (i.e., Deaf Culture) to critically compare and contrast American and Mexican Deaf cultures. Through this whole process, students will be taught about strength-based critical theory and how to apply it to their own learning, and how to use it as a lens to identify and critique the inequities within the transnational Deaf world (i.e., linguistic colonization). Lastly, this course will create LSM videos to add to the Deaf Studies ASL lab database. If you are interested in applying for the interpreter internship or to be a team member for the trip, please pick up an application from the Deaf Studies Department Office. If you have questions that were not answered by the PowerPoint presentation provided in the below link, please contact Dr. Lissa Stapleton at

View the PowerPoint presentation (.pdf)