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Apply Now for the CSUNposium!

January 25, 2017

We are excited to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 21 Annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The CSUNposium, also known as the Student Research and Creative Works Symposium" will be on Friday April 7, 2017. The purpose of this event is to showcase excellence in scholarly research and creative activity conducted by both undergraduate and graduate students across all academic disciplines.

If you would like to participate, please complete an application (link below). A complete application includes an online submission and your Faculty Approval Signature page. Please make sure to submit your Faculty Approval Signature page to the Research and Graduate Studies Office UN-275 before February 3, 2017 at 5PM. Only complete applications will be considered. 


The deadline to submit an application is February 3, 2017. 

 Click here for the application link.

Presentations can be in any of the following categories:

  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Biological and Agricultural Sciences
  • Business, Economics, and Public Administration
  • Creative Arts and Design
  • Education
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences
  • Humanities and Letters
  • Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Who May Apply

CSUN undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled.

How to apply

A complete application includes an online submission and your Faculty Approval Signature page. Please make sure to submit your Faculty Approval Signature page to the Research and Graduate Studies Office UN-275 before February 3, 2017 at 5 PM. Only complete applications will be considered.

Participation Selection

All submissions will go through a review process, overseen by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies. Ideally, all submissions will be invited to participate in the symposium. If the number of submissions exceeds maximum capacity, a selection process will take place. Primary authors will be notified in late February 2017 whether their abstract has been accepted for presentation. Based on preference and availability, accepted abstracts will be assigned to one of the following: 3-minute oral presentation, 10-minute oral presentation, or poster presentation.


A committee consisting of faculty members and/or CSUN alumni will judge the presentations. Based on the recommendations of the judges, cash awards will be presented to the outstanding oral presenter ($200) and runner-up ($100) in each session. For the poster session, cash awards will be provided to the outstanding poster presenters.

Award winners will be announced during the award ceremony at 3:30pm in the USU Grand Salon. If you are not able to attend the award ceremony, please contact Wendy S. Brown-Danks in the graduate studies office at (818) 677-2138 or email:


If you have any other questions, please visit the CSUNposium page here.