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23rd Annual Michael D. Eisner College of Education Scholarship Recognition

April 14, 2022

Scholarship Recognition


See pictures and profiles of our scholarship recipients (.pdf)

Congratulations to our 2022 Scholarship winners!!
We are so proud of you and applaud your many outstanding accomplishments! We know that you have worked hard and made sacrifices in your personal lives to get where you are today. We join you in profusely thanking our generous donors who have invested their time and resources in supporting your efforts to achieve your dreams as educators.
Although we are unable to meet in person during this challenging year of the pandemic, we hope all of you - donors, recipients, and your families - will enjoy this program booklet, the accompanying slide show, and the biographical information for each of the scholarship awardees.

Most sincerely,
Shari Tarver-Behring, Dean
Christine Hayashi, Associate Dean
Sarah Oesterle, Director of Development

The Michael D. Eisner College of Education traditionally prepares one of the largest number of educators of any public institution in the state. We offer our diverse students a wide variety of fully-accredited, learning-centered degree and credential programs through our six departments:

Deaf Studies Department offers one of only a few bachelor’s degree programs in the nation preparing individuals to support the Deaf Community. CSUN is proud to have a rich legacy in its contributions to the Deaf Community, providing ample opportunity for students to get practical experience.
Chair: Flavia Fleischer

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department, known for the quality of its programs, works closely with local school districts to meet their need for well-prepared school administrators. Cohort programs taught at locations within regional school districts are designed for working professionals who wish to move to the next level in their careers.
Chair: Miguel Ceja

Educational Psychology and Counseling Department prepares individuals to be marriage and family therapists, school counselors, school psychologists, advisors in colleges and universities, early childhood educators, and educational psychologists. This department offers a real-world education including strong field experiences for students.
Chair: Alberto Restori

Elementary Education Department prepares individuals to be successful teachers in K-6 elementary settings. Our department's faculty specialize in the disciplines of reading-language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and arts education to prepare well-rounded teachers. In addition, we offer several Masters Degree Programs to prepare in-service teachers.
Chair: Gregory Knotts

Secondary Education Department prepares new teachers in single subjects, usually for middle or high schools, and develops experienced teachers through our Masters programs. Our faculty members work closely with the faculty from the arts and sciences to be sure our graduates are fully prepared to teach successfully in their chosen subject area.
Chair: Julie Gainsburg

Special Education Department is one of the most prominent in the nation and is nationally recognized for its innovative excellence. Our faculty are creating the programs of the future to prepare individuals who can support the educational needs of all types of learners.
Chair: Ivor Weiner

2021-22 Recipients 

Deaf Studies

  • Hannia Montes Martinez, Lavelle Glidewell Hamel Memorial Scholarship

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

  • Eva Navarro Cabanas, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Janessa Reyes, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Elizabeth Xintarianos, Myrna Vallens Scholarship

Educational Psychology and Counseling

  • Misun An, Rebecca Schrag Memorial Scholarship
  • Destiny Chapron, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Nayila Deveaux, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Adrienne Erebholo, Harvey Nasatir Memorial Scholarship
  • Gregory Felden, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Camila Ferrario, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Kristyn Halvorson, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Sana Khouri Accad, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Lindsey Lazo, Drs. Jay & Greg Jackson Scholarship
  • Sara Levin, Sally Spencer Memorial Scholarship
  • Joyce Nnoli, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Carla Ventura, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Kadijah Williams, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE

Elementary Education

  • Sophie Malchus, CalRTA Foothill Chapter Scholarship
  • Andrea Reynoso Salazar, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Monica Rivero Aguilar, Glenda Bensussen Memorial Scholarship
  • Vanessa Sirault, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE

Liberal Studies via ITEP Multiple Subject Credential Option

  • Melissa Garcia, Virginia L. Hansen - Ruth Hansen Scholarship
  • Cassandra Hernandez, CalRTA San Fernando Chapter Joan Berg Memorial Scholarship

Liberal Studies via ITEP Education Specialist Credential Option

  • Deborah Archila Espinoza, Wells Fargo Teacher Education Scholarship

Secondary Education

  • Angel Ayala, CalRTA Foothill Chapter Scholarship
  • Diana Contreras, Sylvia and David Bidna Scholarship
  • Vanessa Galvan, CalRTA San Fernando Chapter Joan Berg Memorial Scholarship
  • Vahik Khodagolian, Phil and Shirley Hansen ARF Scholarship in the MDECOE
  • Kayla Lawrence, CalRTA Foothill Chapter Scholarship
  • Harrison Ostrem, Lillian Raphael Teacher Education Scholarship
  • Cynthia White Anderson, CalRTA San Fernando Chapter Joan Berg Memorial Scholarship

Special Education

  • Maya Isiah, CalRTA Foothill Chapter Scholarship
  • Lizette Lozano, Lillian Paula Seitsive Scholarship
  • Crystal Norman, DawnSignPress Lawrence Fleischer Scholarship
  • Michelle Rios, John Stillion Memorial Scholarship
  • Julie Takayama, CalRTA San Fernando Chapter Joan Berg Memorial Scholarship
  • Kelly Temmesfeld, Virginia L. Hansen - Ruth Hansen Scholarship


Additional Scholarships Awarded During
Departmental Hooding Ceremonies

Bidna/McHugh Social Studies Student Teacher Award
Calder-Smith Scholarship Award
Debbie Leidner Inspirational Leadership Award
Ruth L. Halpert Memorial Scholarship
Mary Snyder Memorial Scholarship
Brenda and David Winter Make a Difference Award


Michael D. Eisner College of Education Equity and Student Affairs Committee
CSUN Association of Retired Faculty
Michael D. Eisner College of Education Faculty and Staff
Shari Tarver-Behring, Dean
Christine Hayashi, Associate Dean
Sarah Oesterle, Director of Development
Maria King, Assistant to the Dean
Eliza Corpuz, Assistant to the Associate Dean