Shop Safety Program

This program describes the shop safety policy and defines the roles and responsibilities of the personnel in shop environments at CSUN, in order to minimize hazard exposure to all shop personnel and provide a safe shop environment.

I.        Purpose/Scope

Purpose: This program exists to ensure safe practices in all campus shops, and minimize the exposure of personnel to hazards by outlining requirements for the establishment and maintenance of effective hazard communication, security protocols, safety procedures, training, incident reporting, personal protective equipment, record retention, and a general culture of safety in shop environments at CSUN.

Scope: The requirements of this document apply to all CSUN employees, students, visitors, and volunteers.

II.      Definitions

  • Authorized User: A person who is authorized by the Shop Coordinator to work in a specific Restricted Area.
  • CSUN Shop Safety Manual: A guide to help shops comply with the CSUN Shop Safety Program. The manual describes the proper access controls, training, engineering controls, safe work practices and procedures to be followed by all personnel working in shops at CSUN. It also outlines the requirements for establishing a written Shop Safety Plan specific for each shop, as is required by the CSUN Shop Safety Program. The CSUN Shop Safety Manual must be made available to all applicable personnel.
  • Department Head: The supervisor, chair, or person otherwise ultimately responsible for the department in which the shop(s) covered by this program exist. The Department Head is responsible for approving and signing site-specific Shop Safety Plans within their department annually.
  • Department Safety Coordinator (DSC): The person at the department level that is responsible for the implementation of safety programs in their department. This person serves as the liaison between their department and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety. The DSC should serve as a central contact between the labs, shops, classrooms, and offices of the department regarding safety matters.
  • Escorted Visitor: People, other than Authorized Users, permitted by the Shop Coordinator to enter the unrestricted areas of the shop. Entry to Restricted Areas by Shop Visitors should generally be avoided.
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP): The CSUN program that includes a wide range of interactive policies, procedures and practices that are intended to help identify and control workplace hazards for CSUN employees.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Any device or system of clothing and devices that protects the wearer from the obvious harmful substances, activities, conditions or environment at the workplace.
  • Personnel: Any person in a shop environment covered by this program. Includes Shop Coordinators, Authorized Users, and Escorted Visitors.
  • Restricted Area: An area identified by the Shop Coordinator as containing hazards requiring controlled access that is delineated by visual indicators. A Restricted Area may be an entire shop.
  • Shop Hazard Assessment Checklist: A document to assist in identifying hazards and establishing required PPE associated with shop activities. Must be conducted by the Shop Coordinator or their designee initially and then after any change to the shop environment, such as the addition of new equipment or processes.
  • Shop Equipment Safety Checklist: Document to assist in identifying and addressing present or potential hazards associated with specific pieces of stationary equipment in the shop. Must be conducted by the Shop Coordinator or their designee periodically (at least annually).
  • Shop Coordinator: The person responsible for oversight, management and supervision of shop activities and equipment. The Shop Coordinator has exclusive authority to authorize users and designate Shop Monitors.
  • Shop Safety Plan: A document created by the Shop Coordinator to comply with the requirements of the CSUN Shop Safety Program. The Shop Safety Plan includes documentation such as shop policies, inventories of equipment, standard operating procedures, training materials, and training records. Must be recertified and signed by the Department Head annually.
  • Shop Safety Review Checklist: A document to assist in periodic (at least annual) inspection of a shop by the Shop Coordinator or their designee to ensure compliance with institutional, local, state, and federal regulations, as well as to ensure the promotion of a safe working environment for shop personnel. This document will help the Shop Coordinator and EH&S identify and assess present and potential violations and/or hazards in the shop that need correcting, as well as adherence to CSUN’s Shop Safety Program.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Documents that outline established or prescribed methods for each potentially hazardous process, equipment, or material to be followed routinely for the safety of shop personnel.

III.    Policy

  • All campus departments that operate one or more shops are required to implement site-specific Shop Safety Plans as outlined in the CSUN Shop Safety Manual.
  • A Shop Coordinator must be designated for each shop to ensure a written site-specific Shop Safety Plan is written and implemented, and updated as necessary.
  • Adequate resources must be made available to ensure the Shop Safety Program is effective.
  • In accordance with CSUN’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), accident/incident investigations must be conducted for injuries or near misses that occur as a result of shop operations.
  • Hazardous and/or designated areas of the shop must be clearly marked using signage, paint-striping, etc.
  • Access to each shop must be restricted to Authorized Users or Escorted Visitors only.
  • All Shop Personnel must receive documented training and hazard communication before entering Restricted Areas or operating any type of equipment, machine, or tool in a shop environment.
  • Emergency procedures and the Shop Coordinator’s contact information must be posted at the entrance to the shop.
  • Minimum required PPE and prohibited clothing must be defined for each type of equipment, machine, or tool in the shop. Proper PPE must be made available and shop personnel must be trained in its proper use.

IV.    Roles & Responsibilities

  • Department Heads
    • Designate a Shop Coordinator for each shop in the department.
    • Ensure implementation of the CSUN Shop Safety Program.
    • Ensure establishment, implementation, and upkeep of the department Shop Safety Plans.
    • Approve and sign each Shop Safety Plan annually.
    • Provide necessary resources to mitigate risk from potential hazards and ensure the Shop Safety Plan is effective.
    • Assure appropriate training and assistance in the application of campus policies and procedures.
  • Shop Coordinators
    • Oversee, manage, and supervise shop activities and equipment.
    • Implement the campus Shop Safety Program per the CSUN Shop Safety Manual.
      • Develop and maintain a written shop specific safety plan, including (among other things) Standard Operating Procedures and maintenance/adjustment procedures for all machines or hazardous equipment and materials. See the Shop Safety Plan Template for reference and templates.
      • Conduct a Shop Hazard Assessment to identify and communicate hazards and proper PPE selection to all shop Personnel. See Appendix D of the CSUN Shop Safety Manual for reference and templates. Shop Hazard Assessments must be conducted initially and whenever hazards change due to a change in equipment or processes. May be conducted by a designee of the Shop Coordinator but must be ultimately certified by the Shop Coordinator.
      • Conduct annual Shop Equipment Safety Checklists to identify and address present or potential hazards associated with specific pieces of stationary equipment in the shop. May be conducted by a designee of the Shop Coordinator.
      • Conduct annual Shop Safety Reviews. See the Shop Safety Review Checklist for reference. May be conducted by a designee of the Shop Coordinator but must be ultimately certified by the Shop Coordinator.
      • Ensure all findings in Shop Hazard Assessments and Shop Safety Reviews are corrected within the allotted time frame.
      • Ensure proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used by all authorized users and escorted visitors.
      • Determine and mark the locations and boundaries of restricted/designated area(s).
      • Ensure each Authorized User has successfully completed required training based on shop specific hazards.
      • Maintain training records including a list of Authorized Users. See the CSUN Shop Safety Manual for the Shop User Authorization Form and List of Authorized Users Form templates.
      • Ensure hazard communication signage, and emergency information (including Shop Coordinator contact information) is posted in appropriate places in the shop.
      • Develop and enforce processes to control or limit access to restricted areas to Authorized Users.
      • Invoke stop work authority, or revoke a shop user’s authorization at any time as the Shop Coordinator judges necessary.
  • Authorized Users
    • Must obtain written authorization from the Shop Coordinator to work in a specific restricted area, with specific piece(s) of equipment, or solo/unsupervised.
    • Follow all shop policies, restrictions, training, safety procedures, and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
    • Wear required PPE.
  • Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs)
    • Support the Shop Coordinator in program implementation.
    • Assist with EH&S shop safety assessments and incident investigations.
    • Assist with training and record keeping responsibilities.
  • Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
    • Author and maintain the Shop Safety Manual.
    • Communicate program requirements to responsible departments.
    • Assist Department Heads and Shop Coordinators on program implementation.
    • Provide technical support and regulatory interpretation.
    • In coordination with the Shop Coordinator, conduct occasional documented periodic Shop Safety Reviews. See the Shop Safety Review Checklist for reference.
  • Escorted Visitors
    • Anyone entering a Restricted Area who is not an Authorized user must:
      • Obtain Shop Coordinator’s approval to access restricted areas prior to entry.
      • Be escorted by an Authorized User.
      • Must have appropriate safety orientation and wear required PPE.
      • Follow all rules and instructions provided when visiting restricted areas.

V.      Resources

VI.    References