Presented by:
Jennifer Sato-Veloz, LCSW
University Counseling Services
Finding hope: Positivity and Self-compassion in the age of Coronavirus
How are You?
In times of crisis it is NORMAL and UNDERSTANDABLE...
... to feel more stressed and irritable than usual
... to experience physical and emotional fatigue
... to be less productive and have trouble focusing
... to experience grief over things lost
What is positivity?
Positivity is NOT
- Denial
- Fantasy
- Magical
- Something we just make up
- Something that is easy to automatically do
Positivity IS
- Finding the real hope amidst the real pain
- Seeing good that remains amidst losses
- Celebrating the positives versus only focusing on the negatives
- Something that gives strength to face the difficulties, it does not erase them
- Something that takes a conscious effort; we have to FIND it
Benefits of Positivity
- Improved mental and physical health
- Strengthening of immune system
- Increased life span
- Lowering of distress response
- Increase in resiliency coping skills
- Increase in interpersonal connections
- Contributes to greater sense of meaning in life
"Tuning in" to Good
How have you been connecting with...
- personal values
- faith/spirituality
- meaningful relationships
- helping others
- encouraging stories
- nature/beauty/creativity
- Other examples?
Mindfulness EXERCISE
Think back over past 24 hours
What encouraged you?
What you brought peace?
Where did you find hope?
It's okay that we are:
Not feeling as secure as before
Not feeling as productive as before
Not feeling as caring as before
Not feeling as strong as before
Not feeling as happy as before
It's also okay to:
Take time to prioritize your health
Take time to be concerned about your loved ones' health
Take time to be concerned about your community
Take time to focus on self-care
Take time to search for meaning and purpose in life
Take time to connect with others
Take time to become a part of something that is bigger than ourselves
We are all in this together
Instagram Credit: Young Lee, PsyD
Helpful Resources
YouTube Videos
SGN (Some Good News) with John Krasinski
University Counseling Services:
(818) 677-2366 (for remote appointments)
(818) 677-2366 #3 (24 hour crisis line)