
The Latest Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities

Volume 12 of The Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities is now available on CSUN's ScholarWorks Open Access Repository (SOAR).

A Note from the Journal Program Chair

Welcome! For more than three decades the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference has served the field of Assistive Technology and eAccessibility as a unique platform, attracting more than 5,000 participants. The Conference provides an opportunity to reflect and contribute to the revolutionary developments for the inclusion of people with disabilities around the globe, facilitated by the ICT and AT revolution and cross-fertilized by social, political, legal, cultural and economic changes. We are proud of this outstanding role and are committed to fulfill its mission in contributing to a better quality of life for people living with disabilities.

Looking back, one recognizes that the roots of the CSUN AT Conference are in the scientific field. ICT for people with disabilities, AT and eAccessibility, in many aspects, have started in the laboratories of dedicated researchers and developers, and the CSUN AT Conference became their meeting place from the start. The Conference today involves all stakeholder groups, including end users, practitioners, educators, administrators, AT solution providers and the industry at large.

The Conference is the source for Research & Development ideas, presentation, publication, exchange and discussion, to ultimately bring R & D results into products and practice. The CSUN AT Conference Journal Track welcomes the R & D community around the globe to be part of this unique discussion and stakeholder exchange. To meet the interests of the scientific community, the CSUN AT Conference invites those in the scientific community to submit high quality papers to the Journal Track.

Submissions are subject to:

  • Competitive selection (we aim at an acceptance rate of 40-50%)
  • Rigorous review of each contribution by at least three outstanding and carefully selected experts forming the Journal Review Committee
  • A second review of selected papers by the panel of Journal Track Panel of Chairs
  • Publication in the open-access award-winning Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities, proceedings from the Journal Track of the Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference.

Prior volumes of the journal have received more than 50,000 downloads, demonstrating the considerable impact on the citation index of authors. We hope you will use the Journal Track for publishing your valuable work and getting involved in the unique CSUN AT Conference platform.

Klaus Miesenberger, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
CSUN AT Conference Program Chair, Journal Track
Scientific Editor, Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities

The Call for Papers for the 2025 Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities and Journal Track of the 40th annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference will be from August 15, 2024 to September 3, 2024.

For information regarding the Journal Call for Papers, please visit the Journal Call for Papers page.

The official journal and conference language is English. Abstracts, presentations and final papers have to be written in proper English.

Journal Track Program Chair

  • Klaus Miesenberger - Johannes Kepler University Linz, AT

Journal Track Panel of Chairs

  • James Coughlan
  • Marku Hakkinen
  • Victoria Jaque
  • Raja Kushalnagar
  • Klaus Miesenberger
  • John Morris

International Program Committee

  • Dominique Archambault
  • Jose Blackorby
  • Weiqin Chen
  • Linda Chmiliar
  • Mojca Debeljak
  • Deborah Fels
  • Klaus Höckner
  • Makoto Kobayashi
  • Georgios Kouroupetroglou
  • Li Liu
  • Roberto Manduchi
  • Karen McCall
  • Klaus Miesenberger
  • Takahiro Miura
  • Mike Paciello
  • Luis Perez
  • Enrico Pontelli
  • Samuel Sennott
  • Dusan Simsik
  • David Sloan
  • Volker Sorge
  • Bernhard Stöger
  • Gerhard Weber
  • Karl Wiegand
  • Katsuhito Yamaguchi
  • Yeliz Yesilada

Visit CSUN.AT/SUBSCRIBE to join our mailing list and indicate which of the following you would like the latest news and updates regarding:

  • CSUN Assistive Technology Conference
  • Trainings & Certificate Program
  • Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities
  • General Call for Presentations
  • Journal Call for Papers
  • Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals
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