Campus Budget News

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Campus Budget FAQs

Posted Feb. 18, 2014 / Updated June 26, 2014

This FAQ will be updated as new information becomes available. Newly added information is denoted by an asterisk (*). Past FAQs have been archived and can be accessed from the Campus Budget News page.

Advocate for the University and Public Higher Education

The University advocates for CSUN students and for funding levels for public higher education at the state and federal levels, but we can't do it alone. Please join the University's Legislative Network to stay posted on latest budget news from Sacramento and to advocate for CSUN students.


If you have a question that is not answered by this FAQ, you may submit your question to (Faculty and staff should also consult and share their concerns with their supervisor, unit head, dean, or division vice president.) We cannot always respond to individual questions, but will update the FAQ as appropriate to ensure that the common questions and concerns of campus community members are addressed.

2014-15 State and CSU Budgets

*Q: What is anticipated for the 2014-15 budget?

*UPDATED 6/25/2014: Following the news that Governor Brown had signed the 2014-15 state budget on June 20, 2014, Dr. Timothy White, Chancellor of the California State University system sent the following email message to the CSU community on June 25:

The governor has signed the 2014-15 state budget that includes an increase of $142.2 million in base funding for the CSU. The budget increase will enable the CSU to maintain existing programs and services. Moreover, tuition fees will remain stable for our students for the fourth consecutive year. The allocation will also enable us to begin to address a backlog of deferred maintenance projects.

This increase in our budget is welcome and reflects the tremendous grassroots advocacy work of the CSU family-students, faculty, staff, alumni, labor leaders and community supporters-who were in the trenches meeting with lawmakers about California's need to reinvest in the CSU. As you are likely aware, the Trustees' budget request was $95 million more than what was ultimately signed into law. I am grateful to all of you who advocated tirelessly on the CSU's behalf. Your efforts resulted in more than 80 lawmakers committing to "Stand with the CSU" in the budget negotiations, which led to both houses recommending increases to the system's funding allocation to match the Trustees' request. While the final result fell short of our request, it does not diminish the power of our collective voice and our steadfast commitment to student success, nor does it diminish our resolve going forward.

The CSU continues to offer students an excellent education, but in this budgetary climate we will not be able to serve all of the eligible students who want to attend the university. Indeed, over the last two years, the CSU has experienced a 12 percent increase in applications and turned away more than 25,000 California students.

For California to succeed at the level we expect, its climate of innovation and economic growth must be fueled by an educated citizenry. The CSU is doing its part, graduating more than 100,000 students into the workforce annually, and we stand ready to do more. But we can only increase the number of graduates with the adequate, sustained funding needed to hire more faculty and staff to serve our students, to increase employee compensation in order to recruit and retain the best individuals, and to address facility and infrastructure needs.

Our story is compelling, and we must continue to come together and raise the profile of the CSU's impact and importance to the state's economy, businesses and industries, and social fabric. I seek your ongoing assistance sharing the CSU's remarkable story. The vital work you do in the classroom and on campus helps our students become engaged and productive members of society.

UPDATED 2/18/2014: The CSU Board of Trustees approved its 2014-15 support budget request on November 6, 2013, requesting the Governor and Legislature to provide an additional $237.6 million in state funding to the CSU for the upcoming fiscal year. On January 10th the Governor’s budget proposal was released and included $142.2 million in additional funding for the CSU in accordance with his four year plan. In light of favorable revenue projections for the state, the CSU is currently advocating for the additional $95 million in funding to make up the gap between the CSU and Governor’s budget proposals.

The CSU expenditure plan focuses on funding to meet increasing enrollment demand, augmentations for student success and completion and compensation increases. The budget plan would bring the CSU’s annual support budget to approximately $4.6 billion. The 2014-15 expenditure plan also assumes no tuition fee increase, marking the third consecutive year that tuition fee rates would remain at the same level.

Specific expenditure increases identified in the CSU proposal include:

  • 5% Enrollment Demand: $79.2 million
  • Augmentations for student success and completion: $50.0 million
  • Financing maintenance and infrastructure needs: $15.0 million
  • Mandatory costs (health benefits, new space): $13.7 million
  • Compensation increase (3 percent “pool”): $91.6 million
  • Center for California Studies—cost increases: $0.2 million

Total: $249.7 million

Less anticipated added fee revenue due to enrollment pattern changes ($12.1 million)

Total CSU request: $237.6 million

The Governor has also proposed important changes to the methodology for funding the CSU’s state funded capital improvement program, which includes construction, renewal and renovation of academic facilities and infrastructure. The governor’s budget proposes shifting the debt burden for past construction bonds from the state to the CSU. A permanent $297 million increase to the CSU’s base budget is proposed to cover the annual payments on this outstanding debt. Under the governor’s plan, the CSU would have authority to restructure a portion of the debt as well as secure a limited amount of new debt to meet ongoing facility needs. The CSU is engaged in discussions with the Department of Finance regarding the details of this proposal.

More information about the proposed CSU 2014-15 support budget can be found here


UPDATED 11/7/13: The CSU Board of Trustees approved its 2014-15 budget ask on November 6, 2013, which requests that the Governor and Legislature provide an additional $237.6 million in state funding to the CSU for the upcoming fiscal year. The expenditure plan focuses on funding to meet increasing enrollment demand, augmentations for student success and completion initiatives, and a modest compensation increase.

The budget plan would bring the CSU’s annual support budget to approximately $4.6 billion. If fully funded, the 2014-15 expenditure plan also assumes no tuition fee increase, marking the third consecutive year that tuition fee rates would remain at the same level.

Specific expenditure increases include:

  • 5% Enrollment Demand – $79.2 million
  • Augmentations for student success and completion – $50.0 million
  • Financing maintenance and infrastructure needs – $15.0 million
  • Mandatory costs (health benefits, new space) – $13.7 million
  • Compensation increase (3 percent “pool”) – $91.6 million
  • Center for California Studies—cost increases – 0.2 million

More information about the proposed CSU 2014-15 support budget can be found here.