You can find the next review date for your program on the Schedule page. You may also contact the Office of Academic Assessment and Program Review to check on your status and timeline. If your program is currently in the process of review, there is a table located in Status of Programs up for Review page on this website that details the current status of all programs in the process.
Program and Department Questions
How do I know when my program will be due for review?
What if we can't finish the self study and external review by the end of the seven year cycle?
If it becomes unfeasible to complete the review by the end of the seven years, the Office will work with your Department/Programs to complete the review in a timeline that is manageable for all parties.
What are the department's responsibilities?
See the Guidelines for Program Review doc, or visit the Resources page.
Why are program reviews needed?
Program reviews assess program quality and facilitate program improvement. It also provides support and credibility for program successes. Finally, it is required by the CSU Chancellor’s Office for all degrees that are not accredited (reviewed) by an outside accreditation body.
What is the role of EPC and GSC representatives in the review process?
The Educational Policies Committee (EPC) and the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) appoint one representative each to attend the exit meeting, MOU meeting, and possibly other meetings during the review process, dependent on scheduling. The representative chosen usually comes from another college to increase objectivity and perhaps offer a unique perspective. The representatives receive copies of the self study, the final reviewer report, and the MOU. They are invited to discuss the report at the MOU meeting and contribute to the final MOU draft. They will share the final agreed-upon recommendations for the program with their respective committees.
What does a schedule for external review look like?
You’ll find a link to an External Review meeting sample schedule (.xls) on our AAPR A to Z page.
Who handles the details of scheduling?
The Office of Academic Assessment and Program Review schedules the Vice Provost, Dean, Associate Dean or Special Assistant to the Dean, Associate Vice Presidents of Graduate Studies and Research and Undergraduate Studies, and the EPC and GSC Reps. The program Chair or Coordinator is in charge of scheduling all other meetings.
What is the timeline of Program Review?
Program Review is a seven-year cycle with the goal of completing a self study and new MOU in the seventh year of the cycle. A brief timeline can be found in the Program Review Policy and Procedures (.doc), which can also be found on the Resources page.