University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


What looking below-ground can reveal about earthquake hazard

Julian Lozos, a seismologist at the California State University, Northridge, who authored the new study, wanted to know whether hidden features at the base of a fault could also deflect seismic waves and stop an earthquake in its tracks. His model is the first to consider the impact of a fault’s below ground geometry on rupture spreading. -- temblor

Termite Fumigation in California Is Fueling the Rise of a Rare Greenhouse Gas

“When something stays in the atmosphere this long, you cannot lessen the climate effects overnight by just turning off the emissions,” said atmospheric chemist Mads Sulbaek Andersen of California State University Northridge, who has studied the gas’s characteristics but was not involved in the new research. -- EOS

Machine Learning and Robotic Arms for the Disabled

Brain computer interface (BCI) systems are a combination of software and hardware that can restore mobility and assist in medical diagnostics. Researchers at Cal State Northridge have recently developed a machine learning based, hands-free BCI controller for patients with paralysis and other serious physical disabilities that restrict limb movement [1]. The team created a semi-autonomous mobile robotic arm which performed imagined hand squeezes and foot taps with high accuracy. The results are set to pave the way for more research into ML-based mobility devices. -- Data Science Central


One quick fix Biden could make in this area is put limits on tuition at state schools that receive federal funding. You can’t have taxpayers pouring in dollars and then take more from them to get in. That’s a lot of double dipping. According to the website for California State University, Northridge, “The CSU’s operating budget has two main funding sources: the state General ​​Fund and student tuition and fees. State funding now covers slightly more than half of the CSU’s operating costs, with tuition and fees making up for the remainder.” -- VC Reporter

Roberts Offers Congratulations to Community Service Groups

Recipients of the grants included the Alliance for Children’s Rights, L.A. LGBT Center, Raise a Child, Playworks, the CSUN Roy and Roxie Campanella Physical Therapy Schol­arship, College Track, the Posse Foundation, Extraordinary Families, National Foster Youth Institute, and the Good Plus Foundation. These grants support a range of programs and organizations, including investments in foster youth, physical activity, scholarships, college access and more. -- Rafu Shimpo

Dave Roberts Congratulates Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation Grant Recipients

The recipients of grants to finish out the year were Alliance for Children’s Rights, College Track, CSUN Roy and Roxie Campanella Physical Therapy Scholarship, Extraordinary Families, the Good Plus Foundation, L.A. LGBT Center, Natasha Watley Foundation, National Foster Youth Institute Raise a Child, Playworks, and The Posse Foundation. -- Dodger Blue

Things to do in the San Fernando Valley, LA area, Dec. 30-Jan. 6

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra: Vasily Petrenko conducts the orchestra, with pianist Olga Kern, in music by Britten, Elgar and Grieg, 8 p.m. Jan. 13. Tickets $41 and up. The Soraya at CSUN, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge. 818-677-3000.; -- Los Angeles Daily News
