University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


The new “Campus Protector” guard booth helps schools and universities distinguish themselves as leaders in campus safety and security.

California State University – Northridge, located in Southern California, required two different styles of prefabricated solutions, one for information and parking, another for ticket sales. Not wanting to compromise style, the University turned to B.I.G to design two booths that would blend with the surrounding architecture while providing a protective working environment for its staff. -- Press Release Rocket

The new “Campus Protector” guard booth helps schools and universities…

California State University – Northridge, located in Southern California, required two different styles of prefabricated solutions, one for information and parking, another for ticket sales. Not wanting to compromise style, the University turned to B.I.G to design two booths that would blend with the surrounding architecture while providing a protective working environment for its staff. -- What Is Said

The new Campus Protector guard booth helps schools and universities distinguish themselves as leaders in campus safety and security.

California State University - Northridge, located in Southern California, required two different styles of prefabricated solutions, one for information and parking, another for ticket sales. Not wanting to compromise style, the University turned to B.I.G to design two booths that would blend with the surrounding architecture while providing a protective working environment for its staff. -- Digital Producer

CSUN's Ana Kasparian: The case for turning our backs on Twitter

A few weeks ago I came to the realization that Twitter was more of a burden than a tool in my professional and personal life. I asked myself whether I would even have a Twitter account if I didn’t work in media, and the answer was an overwhelming “hell no.” -- Raw Story

Why Aren’t There Any Strip Clubs in the East Bay?

The Oakland City Council passed this ordinance in 1970. It was part of a statewide reaction to the commercial sex boom in San Francisco, particularly in North Beach, says Josh Sides, the Whitsett Professor of California History at Cal State Northridge. - KQED

Six SoCal Colleges to Offer Discounted Metro Student Transit Pass

A Metro student transit pass, dubbed the "U-pass," was made available to students attending California State University, Northridge Monday. In the coming weeks, five other colleges in Southern California will offer the pass to their students also. -- NBC Los Angeles

Six Southern California universities will provide students with metro card

【侨报网编译张杨8月15日报道】据全国广播公司(NBC)第4频道新闻网15日报道,对一些加州的大学学生来说,想要购买打折的地铁卡将变得更加方便。 周一(15日),加州州立大学北岭分校(California State University,Northridge)的学生已经可以拿到学生地铁卡。接下来几周,南加州其他五所大学也将会为学生提供这一福利。-- US China Press (In Chinese)

Patty Collie: Students staff resource for homeless

In the past two semesters and summer sessions, seven interns representing five universities including UNC- Pembroke, Fayetteville State University, Boston University, California State University-Northridge and Our Lady of the Lake University-San Antonio have participated. Together, they contributed a total of 2,500 work hours to the center. -- Fay Observer - NC

Congressional aide to Sam Farr running for Capitola City Council

Petersen, 29, holds a bachelor’s in integrated studies, global political communication from CSUMB. She also recently began work on a master’s of business administration degree through an online program provided by CSU Northridge. -- Santa Cruz Sentinel
