University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Jewish lobbying group takes message to Sacramento

This year, JPAC invited Jewish student leaders from UCLA and Cal State Northridge to attend its advocacy day. As college campuses have become ground zero for debates about Israel and the BDS movement, “this is really important for our students’ leadership development, and it’s a great personal growth and learning opportunity for our students,” said Amir Kashfi, the incoming president of UCLA’s student Israel advocacy organization. -- Jewish Journal

Over 20 years, grad takes Oxnard College journey

Azari told the audience that 213 graduates are transferring to CSU Channel Islands, 38 to CSU Northridge and others are transferring to several other California universities. -- Ventura County Star

Experts: Harsher Penalties for Non-violent Crimes a Proven Policy Failure

“There’s absolutely no evidence it ever worked and will work,” said Dr. Vickie Jensen, acting chair of criminology and justice studies at California State University Northridge. Jensen has focused on criminal justice studies for 20 years and is considered an expert on women in prison issues in California. She says criminologists across the political spectrum are in agreement that harsh penalties on low-level offenders have no effect. -- Diverse Issues in Higher Education

US condemns escalation of violence against journalists in Mexico

Freya Rojo, conductor of the radio program Nuestra Voz and professor at the California State University in Northridge (CSUN), said that this is an "endemic problem" that affects the entire Mexican population through murders, kidnappings and extortion. -- Hoy (in Spanish)

11,500 Prepare to Graduate from CSUN

It took a lot of hard work, late nights in the library, mastering of complicated schedules, seemingly endless papers and projects, and the understanding and support of loved ones. The payoff begins this weekend with California State University, Northridge’s 2017 commencement. -- SCV News

Individual deals rarely a recipe for success, study concludes

The study by California State University, Northridge Professor Shirley Svorny concluded that it is much better if local authorities limit regulations and make it easier to get permits than singling out individual companies. -- Arizona Business Daily

Hard Work, Determination Pay Off as 11,500 Prepare to Graduate from CSUN

It took a lot of hard work, late nights in the library, mastering of complicated schedules, seemingly endless papers and projects, and the understanding and support of loved ones. The payoff begins this weekend with California State University, Northridge’s 2017 commencement. --
