Freshman Impaction

All first-time freshman applicants must meet the minimum standard CSU admission requirements. Additionally, California freshmen choosing one of CSUN's impacted majors must achieve that major's supplementary criteria to be considered for admission.

Currently, only a few majors are impacted at CSUN, as shown in the table below.

Impacted Majors by Academic Year
Impacted Majors, 2025-2026 Impacted Majors, 2024-2025
  • B.S. in Accountancy
    • Information Systems option
    • Professional Accountancy option
  • B.A. in Cinema and Television Arts
    • Film Production option
    • Television Production option
  • B.A. in Music
  • B.S. in Accountancy
  • B.S. in Business Administration options in:
    • Financial Analysis
    • Financial Planning
    • Risk Management and Insurance
  • B.A. in Cinema and Television Arts
  • B.A. in Music

Learn More About Freshman Impaction

CSUN is Easing Impaction!

CSUN is easing impaction for the current and coming academic years  fall 2024 and spring 2025, and fall 2025 and spring 2026 — as follows: 

  • CSUN has removed local/nonlocal-area (regional) impaction for both first-time freshmen and first-time transfer students. All California applicants will need to meet the same standard CSU admissions criteria.
  • Applicants will also need to meet the supplementary criteria for an impacted major if they choose one of those majors. Supplementary criteria for impacted majors are published on this page as they become available.

Only three majors are impacted for 2025-2026; four majors were impacted for 2024-2025.

Impacted Majors Overview

The academic department for each impacted major may set supplementary admission criteria for its applicants.

  • If you are choosing an impacted major and you are a student from California, you will need to meet that major’s supplementary admission criteria if any.
  • In all impacted majors except Music, this could mean achieving a higher admission eligibility index than is required for a non-impacted major.
  • Space permitting, applicants who meet any supplementary criteria will be admitted first, until the impacted major is full.

The list of impacted majors may change annually in future academic years.

Fall 2024 and Fall 2025 Freshman Admissions

For fall 2024 and fall 2025 admission, all California applicants graduating from California high schools must possess a minimum eligibility index score of 2500 using the multifactor variables criteria at First-Time Freshman Requirements.

Currently, applications from first-time freshmen are accepted for admission to fall semesters only.

No matter when you apply for admission to CSUN, be sure to apply during CSUN's application filing period.


To find out whether or not impaction affects you, take the following steps in the suggested order:

1. Determine if you will be applying to an impacted major.

2.  You are NOT affected by impaction if you are a nonresident of California or a U.S. servicemember (active duty or veteran). You'll find application instructions at:

Majors Impacted for Fall 2025

For fall 2025 admission, only one business major with two options is impacted. Students apply to the pre-major program. Then, after successfully completing the pre-major, students may file for a change of major:

  • Accountancy — two options:
    • Information Systems option
    • Professional Accountancy option

Applicants to the following impacted major are required to pass an audition:

Cinema and Television Arts (CTVA) will set supplementary criteria (a higher eligibility index) and admit applicants directly to the major program based on their CSU eligibility index.

  • Only two CTVA options are impacted for fall 2025:
    • Film Production
    • Television Production

Majors Impacted for Fall 2024

For fall 2024 admission, the following impacted business majors and options admit applicants to the pre-major program. Then, after successfully completing the pre-major, students may file for a change of major:

  • Accountancy — Information Systems and Professional Accountancy options
  • Business Administration — Financial Analysis, Financial Planning, and Risk Management/Insurance options

Applicants to the following impacted major are required to pass an audition:

Cinema and Television Arts (CTVA) will set supplementary criteria (a higher eligibility index) and admit applicants directly to the major program based on their CSU eligibility index.

If you apply to one of CSUN's impacted majors, you may need to achieve a higher, supplementary eligibility index than the minimum CSU standard to be considered for admission to the program.

The CSU statewide eligibility index for California applicants is based on your high school GPA (HSGPA) and the multifactor admission criteria published at First-Time Freshman Requirements. Your HSGPA is based on grades earned in college preparatory courses ("A to G" subject requirements) taken during the final three years of high school.

Check with your high school counselor about possible extra GPA points for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and/or honors courses you may have taken. These points are explained at Cal State Apply's GPA calculator.

The following section describes admission criteria for fall 2024 impacted majors. Note that first-time freshman applications are currently not considered for spring admission to CSUN.

The two tables below describe the admission requirements for fall 2024 first-time freshman applicants who have graduated from high schools located in California. Table 1 shows the admission criteria for CSUN’s non-impacted majors and Table 2 the criteria for impacted majors. Please note:

  • Applicants who meet the minimum eligibility index for their group will be admitted.
  • These impaction criteria were set for fall 2024 admission only and may vary for future admission cycles.
  • The minimum standard CSU admission requirements are published at First-Time Freshman Requirements.

California Students Applying to Non-Impacted Majors

Table 1: Minimum eligibility index for FALL 2024 freshman admission based on CSUN's local and non-local areas.
California High School Location Minimum Admission Eligibility Index for Non-Impacted Majors
Anywhere in California 2500

California Students Applying to Impacted Majors

All graduates of California high schools, regardless of location, who are applying to an impacted major must meet the higher, supplementary requirements for that major. 

Out-of-state students must attain a minimum eligibility index of 3000, but they are not subject to impaction.

Refer to Table 2 below for the minimum Eligibility Index admission criteria for local and non-local area applicants to impacted majors.

Table 2: Fall 2024 minimum admission criteria for freshmen applying to impacted majors.
Impacted Major Required Minimum Eligibility Index
B.A. in Accountancy options in:
  • Information Systems
  • Professional Accountancy
Apply to the Accountancy or Business Administration Pre-Major (minimum eligibility index score 2500).
B.S. in Business Administration options in:
  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Planning
  • Risk Management and Insurance
Apply to the Accountancy or Business Administration Pre-Major (minimum eligibility index score 2500).
B.A. in Cinema and Television Arts 2900
B.A. in Music Pass an audition. Visit Audition & Placement.

Fall 2025 admissions criteria for first-time freshmen applying to impacted majors will be published here in coming months, probably in June 2025.

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