Heidemarie and Birgit's marvelous journey
Deutsche Version
  Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City Yellowstone Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara ScrantonNew York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon                                                        
Salt Lake City via Idaho Falls


After Zion we drove to Salt Lake City, but first we had to get through Idaho. Birgit has decided that mexican food is edible (considering some of the alternatives) and we found some pretty good food in Pocatello.

We stopped in Idaho Falls (I admit I didn't actually know there were falls there until Birgit read it in the guide book - sorry about that!) So we stopped there for a little bit and took some pictures.

idaho falls

Another view of the falls

Idaho Falls

The Falls were interesting, but we had a goal: Salt Lake City



Salt Lake City:  

We walked around temple square - Birgit just had to  go inside the Tabernacle - I guess they don't see the  Quire on TV at Christmas in Germany! I preferred  looking at the restored log cabin. Walking around the  square also made me think of Barbara who spends  many happy hours in the research center.


But then - on the road again.....on to the Great Salt Lake

salt lake

What can I say? It is a big lake and it is salty. We looked, dipped a toe in the brine and headed on to Yellowstone


  Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City Yellowstone Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara ScrantonNew York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez

Monmouth Longwood Vicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon