Heidemarie and Birgit's marvelous journey
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  Home Zion Bryce Salt Lake City Yellowstone Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara Scranton New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth LongwoodVicksburg SantaRosa Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon                  
Bryce Canyon


Our next stop was Bryce Canyon National Park. There I discovered that getting old does pay - got a lifetime pass to all national parks for $10! Way to go!

Bryce differs from Zion - at first not as impressive, but then you see the "ruins" - pretty fantastic.

Bryce 1

another Bryce Canyon picture

bryce 4


This was also the day we acually got wet. We had had thunder showers during the night before, which I thought was pretty neat. Remember, I live in "it never rains in Southern California". However today it was different. We were standing at the gas station, pumping gas when the heavens opened up! Instant shower. Of course, it wa also about 90 degrees, so "no prob guys" to quote one of our more meorable waitpersons.



Rock ruins

bryce 2

more Bryce

Bryce 3

and you can look pretty much forever

bryce caves

Rock caves

  Home on to Bryce Salt Lake City; Yellowstone; Buffalo Hill City Rushmore Crazy Horse Badlands Minneapolis Toronto Niagara Scranton New York The Cloisters Ellis Island Museums Natural History NYC Transportation Monticello  Richmond Williamsburg Charleston Savannan-Montgomery Natchez Monmouth LongwoodVicksburg SantaRosa

Painted Desert  Petrified Forest Winslow Grand Canyon Deutsche Version