Our face and our voice are two important passports, that determine if and how we will be accepted into society.
The Role of our voice in Society: I always imaged myself to be a good candidate to become a self sufficient solitary mountain man type. I find however, that in reality, 30 minutes into Griffith Park begins to bring on withdrawal symptoms for my health food store, my exercise gym, and my room where my internet connections await.
I am compelled, now, to admit that I am very dependent upon society!
What's more I believe most of use are. But ironically, we need passports to be accepted by others in Society.
One important passport is our face. If I had no nose and no upper lip, but just a gaping hole, the students in my class on campus would cluster in the back of the room rather than choose seats up front.
Come to think of it, they are clustered in the back of the room. What can I say--some people have better passports than others.