A person who is tense may have a habitually higher pitched voice that would be predicted from the mass of his vocal folds.
A high strung individual may generally hold their body musculature at a higher level of tension than is necessary. This can include the muscles of the neck and larynx.
The result of the increased tension on the vocal folds is a habitually higher pitched voice than would be predicted from the size (mass) of their vocal folds.
This can actually cause undo wear and tear on the folds resulting in various types of voice disorders.
A pitch related voice problem confronts boys particularly at around the age of puberty. At this time, the influx of hormones causes, among other things, an inordinate rate of growth of the vocal folds. The increased mass causes the voice to drop in pitch.
Two other factors exacerbate the problem. The first is the role our voice plays in society, The other is the significance of our voice to ourselves.